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F&K 6400W B M achine in the Application of SMD Package 


F&K 6400W B M achine in the Application of SMD Package

ZANG Cheng—dong (China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.55ResearchInstitute,Nanjing210038,China)


Abstract:Wire bonding is an important process in the SMD package.The6400bonderfrom F&K corporation is an ultra sonic wedge bonder for thin aluminium wire.– SMD Package


In wire bonding process,depending on the production requirements,

Diferent pad metallizations are used and diferent metallurgical system can be formed,which may cause a problem inreliabilityofthebondsbecauseofinterfacecorrosion or Kirkendall voids;bonding parameters,such as ultrosonic power, bonding time,bonding force and bonding mode,control the bonding yield and reliability directly.Base don mass production,an analysis of the bonding material and process parameters for F&K 6400bonderusedintheproduction an dliststhecommonproblemsandpossiblecausesforthemachine.=– SMD Package