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-thin carrier tape

The thin carrier tape industry of electronic components is mainly dominated by Chinese, Japanese and Korean enterprises, and occupies most of the market share. Among them, Japanese manufacturers started earlier and relatively advanced technology. Korean manufacturing enterprises developed rapidly in recent years and overseas sales continued to grow. Chinese mainland and Taiwan regions also emerged excellent production enterprises.

Its competitiveness level gradually approaches and surpasses Japanese and Korean enterprises in some aspects. The main enterprises in the thin carrier tape industry of electronic components are as follows:


—thin carrier tape

From the horizontal perspective of the industrial chain, at present, most of the production enterprises in the electronic component packaging industry have relatively single product types, and often only focus on some specific product fields, or provide paper tape, or provide adhesive tape, or provide plastic carrier tape, while few enterprises build a complete product line of the whole industrial chain. The competition pattern of the industry is mainly reflected in different segments. From the vertical perspective of the industrial chain, most enterprises in the industry only produce one or several types of products at the same level, or produce base paper, carrier tape, or adhesive tape, while few enterprises extend upstream and downstream to form the vertical integration of the industrial chain. Therefore, the competition among enterprises with products at the same level is more intense, Enterprises that extend in the industrial chain benefit from effective cost control and added value of products, and have strong core competitiveness in the industry.—thin carrier tape