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Treatment of incomplete plastic molding for the embossed carrier tape manufacture in China 6

mold aspects

(1) There are defects in the mold gating system. The runner is too small, too thin or too long, which increases the fluid resistance.
The diameter of the main runner should be increased, and the runner and shunt should be round. The runner or gate is too large, and the shooting force is insufficient; the runner and gate are blocked by impurities, foreign matters or carbonization; the runner and gate are rough, with scars or acute angles, and the surface roughness is poor, which affects the poor material flow;—carrier tape manufacture in China
The channel is not provided with a cold well or the cold well is too small, and the opening direction is wrong; For multi cavity molds, carefully arrange the balance of runner and gate size distribution, otherwise only the cavities near the sprue or with thick and short gates can be filled, but other cavities cannot be filled. —carrier tape manufacture in China
The diameter of the runner should be appropriately thickened to reduce the molten material pressure drop flowing to the end of the runner, and the gate of the cavity far from the main runner should be increased to make the injection pressure of each cavity basically consistent with the material flow speed.—carrier tape manufacture in China