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Treatment of incomplete plastic molding for the embossed carrier tape manufacture in China 7

mold aspects

(2) The mold design is unreasonable. The mold is too complex, there are many turns, the feed port is improperly selected, the flow channel is too narrow, the number of gates is insufficient or the form is improper; the local section of the product is very thin, the thickness of the whole product or part should be increased, or an auxiliary flow channel or gate should be set near the insufficient filling; it is common that the poor exhaust measures in the mold cavity cause the dissatisfaction of the product Most of these defects occur in the corners, deep depressions, thin-walled parts surrounded by thick wall parts, and the bottom of thin bottom shell formed by side gate. —embossed carrier tape manufacture in China
The design to eliminate this defect includes opening an effective exhaust duct, selecting a reasonable gate position so that the air can be easily discharged in advance, and deliberately making a part of the air trapped area of the cavity into an insert when necessary, so that the air can overflow from the gap of the insert; For multi cavity molds, gate distribution imbalance is easy to occur. If necessary, reduce the number of injection cavities to ensure that other cavity parts are qualified.—embossed carrier tape manufacture in China