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How to adjustment of process of the carrier tape in the production process?


The adjustment of process in the production process is a necessary way to improve the product quality and output.
Because the injection molding cycle itself is very short, if the process conditions are not well mastered, there will be an endless stream of waste products. —carrier tape in the production process
When adjusting the process, it is best to change only one condition at a time and observe more times. If the pressure, temperature and time are all adjusted together, it is easy to cause confusion and misunderstanding. If there is a problem, I don’t know the reason.
There are many measures and means to adjust the process. For example, there are more than ten possible solutions to the problem of dissatisfaction with product injection. Only by selecting one or two main solutions to solve the crux of the problem can we really solve the problem. —carrier tape in the production process
In addition, attention should also be paid to the dialectical relationship in the solution. For example, if the product is sunken, sometimes the material temperature should be increased and sometimes the material temperature should be reduced; Sometimes it is necessary to increase the material quantity, and sometimes it is necessary to reduce the material quantity. We should recognize the feasibility of reverse measures to solve the problem.—carrier tape in the production process