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Necessity and rationality of longitudinal integration of plastic carrier tape

According to the data, the purchase price of black PC particles in 2016 was about 34000-35000 yuan / ton, while the purchase price of transparent PC particles, the main raw material of transparent plastic carrier tape, was about 16000-17000 yuan / ton.

The purchase price of black PC particles was about twice that of transparent PC particles, but the unit price of black carrier tape was only about 20% higher than that of transparent carrier belt, thus lowering the gross profit margin. 

The upstream and downstream pricing strategy of this industry has seriously curbed the development of some enterprises to the high-end black plastic belt industry. The black belt technology is high, the raw material cost is high and the price is low, resulting in domestic enterprises can only develop to medium and low-end products such as transparent plastic belt.

Low threshold and low technology are bound to lead to high competition; Form a small and scattered pattern; The breakthrough can only be to develop high-end black plastic particles upstream, break the cost monopoly pattern and obtain cost advantages;