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Innovation is the driving force for the development of carrier tape conveyor industry

In recent years, with the development of China’s economy, tape packaging has also developed rapidly. Tape packaging has become the main way of electronic packaging. China’s electronic packaging industry has built its own basic industrial chain and adopted various new tape carrying machines, including tablet machines, circular turbines and particle machines, to manufacture different types and lengths of tape. The fundamental reason for the considerable market prospect of bag carrying machine manufacturing is innovation.


The carrier tape has developed rapidly in China’s plastic machinery industry. In modern equipment manufacturing industry, as the “engine” of electronic packaging, belt carrier has been highly valued and supported by developed manufacturing countries. At present, large tape carriers and other products mainly developed by the tape carrier industry are supporting special equipment for semiconductor, led, crystal oscillator, capacitor development and other industries.


According to the data provided by China belt conveyor machinery industry association, in the first three quarters of 2016, the total output value of China’s belt conveyor manufacturing industry reached 20 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.93%, higher than the year-on-year growth rate of the total output value of the national machinery industry in the same period (24.59%). Moreover, the proportion of imported plastic machinery decreased significantly compared with two years ago. In 2010, imported equipment accounted for more than 50% of China’s plastic machinery market, but according to the data of the first three quarters of 2016, it accounted for only about 29%.


The rapid development of China’s carrier tape conveyor industry stems from the rapid development of domestic plastic processing industry, and there is a strong demand for plastic machinery; In addition, the demand for high-tech equipment has brought about the renewal of belt carrier equipment and the elimination of old equipment.