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What is Differences between PP materials and PS materials

At the beginning, many people will not know the difference between PP material and PS material, because the colors of the two materials are relatively similar, and they are also widely made into various colors. Shenzhen Beilu Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the production of various carrier tapes, IC carrier tapes, led carrier tapes, inductive carrier tapes, etc. its internal professionals shared some experience on how to distinguish PP materials from PS materials:

PP, polypropylene, English Name: polypropylene, commonly known as “100 fold glue”, is a translucent, semi crystalline thermoplastic.

PS, polystyrene, English name polystyrene, environmental protection, non-toxic, very good plasticity, poor toughness and brittle.

How to distinguish PP and PS materials?

1、 Sound difference: PS material is hard, so the knocking sound sounds crisp. PP material has good toughness and insufficient hardness, so the sound is relatively dull.

2、 Appearance difference: PS can be very transparent, PP can be at most transparent, but it still looks fuzzy, like frosted glass.

3、 Difference in texture: PP has good toughness, while PS is relatively hard. It feels that PP is soft relative to PS.

In general, for PP and PS products with the same thickness, transparency PS > PP, hardness PS > PP and toughness PP > PS