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What is the development trend of carrier tape forming industry in the world in the future


With the increasing popularity of the electronic information industry, more and more attention has been paid to electronic components.

The downstream demand has expanded the market scale of electronic component carrier tape. As an important carrier and consumer of electronic component surface mount technology, carrier tape is mainly used in passive component devices such as resistors, capacitors, inductors and active components such as integrated circuits, semiconductors For chips and other products, the cost of thin carrier tape in the surface mount industry chain is not high, but its quality has an important impact on the packaging, transportation, storage and use of electronic components. It is an indispensable role in the packaging process of the whole semiconductor electronic industry.


In recent years, COVID-19 has been affected by the mobile phone. Now the capacity of semiconductor is relatively tight, which affects the downstream packaging, and the domestic small and medium semiconductor sealing and testing plants are also increasing. In the next few years, plastic belts will be a good opportunity for us to develop.


The growth of downstream production will also drive the demand of plastic belt, in computers, mobile phones, computers, LED lighting, medical equipment, smart appliances, Automobile and other consumer products play an important role in the assembly process.