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The conductor frame for power semiconductor packaging is in short supply.



The semiconductor industry is short of materials and the demand for chips is increasing. The conductor frame for power semiconductor packaging is in short supply. At least by the end of this year, the shortage of materials also affects the rear packaging materials, including wire packaging, IC carrier and epoxy resin molding for the rear packaging test


SMT is widely used, which promotes the development of SMD. It is inevitable that the original jack components will be replaced by SMD components,


At the same time, people’s requirements for small volume and multi-function of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers, coupled with the increased demand for car chips, have promoted the development of SMD devices towards high integration and miniaturization.


In addition to other transport carriers such as pallets and plastic pipes, SMD components must also be able to be used in high-speed automation on SMT machine. SMD belt carrying system also has advantages in protection, economy and capacity,


This is why most of the carriers of SMD components seen on the SMT production line are tape carrying systems.


Due to the impact of the epidemic, coupled with the sharp increase in the demand for automotive components and terminal electronic products, there is a serious shortage of semiconductor materials, longer delivery time, higher prices, and a shortage of semiconductor raw materials and key components


It may affect the growth pattern of the global semiconductor market, and the extension of delivery time may affect the original planning.