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How to do well in equipment maintenance to avoid problems in PS sheet production

PS sheet will also encounter various problems in daily use. Once regular inspection and maintenance are done, the situation of PS sheet can be avoided. The following six technical problems are listed. If you don’t understand them, you must have a look.


1. Sheet cleaning: PS sheet, like all equipment, must be cleaned before use


2. Equipment inversion: many equipment are particularly sensitive to inversion, which is likely to burn the motor. PP sheet is the equipment that is particularly sensitive to inversion, so special attention must be paid during use, and PP sheet cannot be reversed

3. Material leakage: during the normal operation of PS sheet, it is necessary to observe whether there is material leakage in the pump body. If there is leakage, stop the operation of PS sheet immediately, and check and adjust the sealing device to see whether it operates normally.


4. Operation: during the operation of PS sheet, no powder, small solid and small lump materials are allowed to enter the pump body. The emulsified materials of PS sheet are fluid, and the solids will jam the PS sheet and cause the motor to burn;


5. Equipment idling: idling is an operation that is particularly easy to cause equipment failure, so it is forbidden to idle the equipment without indicating that it can be idled to avoid equipment failure


6. Abnormal sound: in case of abnormal sound during the use of PS sheet, shut down and carefully check whether there is a problem