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The demand of the sealed test market is strong, and the industry is developing at a high speed.



As a semiconductor packaging enterprise, we have long focused on the research and developmentinnovation of thin carrier tape and cover tape of electronic components

From design, production to manufacturing, actively promote the improvement of production line and improve product performance and quality.

In recent years, with the rapid growth of electronic information industries such as intelligent driving, intelligent medical treatment, smart home and 5g, the era of rapid renewal of electronic consumer goods


It provides unprecedented innovation and development space and fields for the electronic materials and components industry, accelerates the application and promotion, and takes the continuous R & D and innovation of technology as the core


Optimize the product structure and develop high-end products to stabilize the overall development of the electronic industry.

However, at present, the most difficult to grasp is the epidemic variable. If the epidemic intensifies suddenly, it may impact the demand for end products again


On the whole, as long as the front-line sealing and testing factory has strong purchasing ability and high adhesion with customers, it can relatively stand firm,

The latter section of the sealing and testing plant has the opportunity to undertake more orders, but it still needs to pay attention to the changes in terminal demand