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 The Technology of Carrier tape will be more precise and smaller

With the continuous updating and evolution of terminal products, the function and volume of consumer electronic products are also accelerated, and the current application trends such as 5G, new energy vehicles and AI Artificial Intelligence continue to improve

Coupled with the continuous miniaturization and improvement of semiconductor process and advanced packaging capacity, and finally considering the cost and functional development of various products, it will also drive the inclusiveness of low, medium and high-order packaging technologies.


As the improvement of 5G technology requires more advanced sealing and testing technology, the improvement of technology and higher equipment requirements make the sealing and testing rise naturally; Second, due to the increase of market demand and orders, the rise of manufacturers’ prices drives the rise of sealed test prices!


The semiconductor industry, from IC design intellectual property authorization in the upstream to OEM, packaging, testing and end customers in the downstream, needs time to run in to produce good products to meet consumers.

With the continuous development of the chip towards miniaturization and precision, the process begins to advance towards smaller 5nm and 3nm, which has been closer and closer to the physical limit. Therefore, the downstream packaging production should also improve the technical requirements to achieve smaller and more precision.