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How about Packaging application of new permanent antistatic carrier tape materials in semiconductor field

At present, the mainstream packaging carrier materials in the semiconductor industry market are PC, PS and ABS. Due to the smaller size, diverse and precise shapes and functions of today’s electronic components.

Its requirements for carrier materials are also increasing, which requires carrier belts to have better mechanical properties, more stable size, higher temperature resistance, antistatic and other requirements.


Electronic components are generally sensitive and easy to be damaged by static electricity, so the carrier belt is generally required to have anti-static performance to prevent damage to electronic components. Therefore, most carrier materials are conductive plastics.


Plastics are widely used in various fields, but plastics themselves have good electrical insulation. Therefore, in the application fields that need conductivity and antistatic, we need to add conductive additives to plastics to give them conductivity.


Therefore, metal powder and metal short fiber, carbon nanotube (CNT), conductive polymer short fiber, conductive carbon black, etc. are generally added to the conductive material and antistatic agent added to the tape carrier material


These materials can make the carrier products have good conductivity or antistatic property, and have achieved the function of protecting electronic components. Among them, carbon nanotube (CNT) has the best conductive and antistatic effect, which is continuously effective and cost-effective