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We focus on carrier belts and can design and produce various types and specifications of electronic packaging carrier belts with a width of 8-88mm

The Internet of things and the Internet of vehicles, TV and games, tablets, PCs and mobile phones, wearable devices, UAVs and 3D printing are the six smart industries with the most opportunities to break out.

It can be seen from these industries that most of them are electronic industries, and the difference is that they are more intelligent. For example, TV, from plasma TV to LCD TV, today’s 4K TV and eco TV. Products are constantly updated, which is more convenient for user experience. The more intelligent the product, the more users like it.

When the products are updated, the materials used in the production of products will naturally change. Just as the electronic components used in mobile phones become more and more sophisticated, there are higher requirements for related products. The more precise the electronic components are, the less they can be damaged. Therefore, it is more necessary to select appropriate packaging products for packaging components.

As the packaging product of electronic components, the carrier belt should also be updated with the continuous updating of electronic products. If the manufacturer does not have the ability of innovation, it is difficult to survive. Now people like and rely on intelligent products more and more, especially in electronic products. In order to better survive and develop, electronic products businesses will certainly continue to innovate, so our carrier industry must keep up with the pace of the times and meet all the needs of businesses.

We focus on carrier belts and can design and produce various types and specifications of electronic packaging carrier belts with a width of 8-88mm. At the same time, the carrier belt of special product models can also be designed and manufactured according to the needs of customer components. It is manufactured according to the international specifications of eia-841-c