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Carrier tape injection molding machine 4


Carrier tape injection molding machine-Multi mode rotary table injection molding machine: it is a special injection molding machine with multi station operation. Its feature is that the clamping device adopts rotary table structure, and the mold rotates around the rotating shaft.

This type of injection molding machine gives full play to the plasticizing capacity of the injection device, which can shorten the production cycle and improve the production capacity of the machine.Carrier tape injection molding machine

Therefore, it is especially suitable for the production of large quantities of plastic products with long cooling and setting time or requiring more auxiliary time due to the placement of inserts. However, due to the large and complex clamping system, the clamping force of the clamping device is often small, Therefore, this injection molding machine is widely used in the production of plastic soles and other products.Carrier tape injection molding machine