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What is about SMD element carrier tape

In the last century, the emergence of SMT (surface mount technology) has brought great changes to electronic products.
At present, most PCB boards more or less adopt this production technology of low cost, high productivity and reducing the volume of PCB boards.–SMD element carrier tape

SMT technology is widely used, which promotes the development of SMD (surface mount device). It is inevitable that the original jack components will be replaced by SMD components.

At the same time, people’s requirements for small volume and multi-function of mobile phones, computers and other electronic products promote the development of SMD components to high integration and miniaturization. SMD element carrier tape

In addition to other transport carriers such as pallets and plastic pipes, SMD components must also have a transport carrier – SMD belt carrying system that can be used in high-speed automation on SMT machine.
In terms of protection, economy and capacity, the tape carrying system has many advantages, which is why most of the carriers of SMD components seen on the SMT production line are tape carrying systems (paper substrate and plastic substrate).